Best list of what to take with you in college

Moving to college life can be a great experience, it’s the first step when you get out of your parent’s house and start living independently on your own and start the adult life.

When you move to college you can get your own room or can even get a roommate with you depend on your luck, there’s been a many things on your mind when you think about college and starting college and that is good but the most important thing that you should worry about is your packing what you will take with you for the college.

So for that, we got you some best of things that everyone should have in their college packing list when they packing for college.

Body wash, shampoo, and other stuff

The one thing that you will definitely need is your soap and shampoo the college won’t provide you with one, so take it with you and don’t forget your shampoo, make sure to get your toothbrush toothpaste and other thing that you will need for your morning routine of getting freshen up including perfumes and cologne.

Shaver or trimmer

No matter if you are a guy or a girl

Everyone needs to shave some places, I’m talking about people who like their body clean and not hairy at all as the college is life for making your career it’s also the life of teenagers having fun going out and enjoying so you might always want to stay well-shaved or groomed.

Enough clothes

We all know how busy college life gets and you will have daily some kind of class and only will have time for the weekend so you might want to avoid doing the laundry every day so make sure you have enough pair for at least a week or more. yes, guys, this is for you, I know it’s fine to wear one underwear for 2 days that you might not have a problem with but still bring more clothes! And make sure you bring enough towels too cuz you might need to have clean towels every day.


Yes, the college provides you with bedsheets and you might don’t want to take that but I would recommend taking one, as you don’t know how many people have been in that room and what kind of things they have done in your bed, so if I were you I would surely get a new bed sheet and save me from any chance of getting germs and other kind of diseases so take one with you or maybe 2 it’s up to you.

Take a filtered water bottle

Going to college you won’t be given the purity of water, so if you want to stay safe and disease free I would recommend taking your own water bottle that can filter you water there’s a lot of on Amazon and other online stores so order one and be safe on your college year and make sure to drink from that only if you want healthy water.

Shower caddy

So get one where you can put your shower stuff almost everything you need in your shower get all those in that and get ready for college, there are many kinds of shower caddy like fabrics and plastic one it’s up to you what you want I personally would get plastic it doesn’t get wet and don’t have to worry about drying them.

Hangers and If you can take a mini cabinet

You will get a drawer on college but not enough space for sure, and if you are a girl we all know girls have so many things to put so make sure you take your hangers to hang your clothes on the drawer and if you can take an extra cabinet for yourself not to big just to make sure to keep your shoes and stuff, believe me, it can be very useful in your room.

Get speaker

Get a mini speaker that you have a good battery life for your entertainment because while college life is super cool inside college, it’s also super boring inside the dorm so you might want to have some kind of entertainment and what’s better to have music right? You can easily get a wireless speaker with good sound quality under 100 bucks. So get a speaker which you can easily play your music there are many speakers that have good sound quality and great battery life so explore any online shop and get one for you.

And that’s all the basic stuff you will need to go to college and if you want to add anything you like it’s up to you but this is my list of stuff you must-have when you moving to college life.

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